Book SalesStyling via - Landssdækkende Styling - Kendt fra Dansk TV

Bloomingville  |  Varenummer: 82050251

Bloomingville Sadia Kurv, Natur, Vandhyacint

899,00 kr


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These wicker baskets come in sets of two. They are made of natural coloured water hyacinth and are weaved into a light and airy look which makes them perfect to use as storage for many different things. Place them next to your sofa and use them as storage for throws and cushions. Use them in the bathroom to store anything from towels to toilet rolls. They can also be used to contain and organise anything you store inside your cupboards


Bloomingville Sadia Kurv, Natur, Vandhyacint

899,00 kr
These wicker baskets come in sets of two. They are made of natural coloured water hyacinth and are weaved into a light and airy look which makes them perfect to use as storage for many different things. Place them next to your sofa and use them as storage for throws and cushions. Use them in the bathroom to store anything from towels to toilet rolls. They can also be used to contain and organise anything you store inside your cupboards